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  • Writer's pictureKelley Sue

Intentional Living

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable. He just finished speaking in Matthew 24 about the pressures of living in the world, the fears, the heavy hearted, and gives us some beautiful counsel about resilience by finding life in Him. He says, "Do not let your hearts be weighed down." The parable in Matthew 25 is called "The Parable of the Ten Virgins". It's a heart lifting parable that leaves us intrigued and hungry for more. Jesus reminds us to not lose heart. Author, counselor, and teacher, John Eldredge shares in his podcast, "This World Is Draining" his thoughts on the parable. He thinks the parable is about "the oil". To remind us to not burn out and use up the oil. The oil being the presence of God. I love this!

I don't know about you guys, but I needed to be reminded to not allow my heart to become heavy. The last few weeks I have been off kilter. Maybe it's from having COVID (it kicked my butt) or maybe its because my heart aches for what is happening in Ukraine. I don't know, so I observe and lean in a little more than usual. Life can so easily throw us off balance. It just keeps on nudging and poking at us, whether it be through the news, social media, something personal or tragic, The enemy is sneaky and always in the shadows.

When I look back on my life, on the times our hearts tend to grow weary the most, I see a pattern. Anxiety. When I'm thrown off course, and I'm not tuned into the Lord I become frazzled, distracted easily, and off my game. Thankfully, the Lord has placed brothers and sisters in my life who lovingly remind me to slow down and rest. And, as I've grown in my faith I've become more curious about the why's and the how's. I'm striving more and more to hear the Lord in the midst of whatever comes my way..

We are all familiar with the phrase, "I am living on fumes." or that all too familiar feeling of "feeling drained", empty, and overwhelmed. The world we live in is draining. More so now than ever. But, the good news is, because of Matthew 24 we are reminded of the loving counsel of Jesus. We must cultivate the loving presence of God. Conserve His oil.

An example, almost four weeks ago I tested positive for COVID, I experienced horrible headaches, my eyes were sensitive to light, my body ached, and my energy was completely zapped. Prior to getting sick I was well rested, eating healthy, exercising regularly, dating, and life seemed all good. When I became symptomatic, I knew I needed to get tested, and here's the ridiculously funny (or crazy) part, I immediately started thinking of what all I needed to get done at home. Seriously? Although I felt horrible, I wanted to take the opportunity of being home to catch up with my kids, blog, edit photos, finally get that new IG account started, complete painting the bathroom, finally update the numbers on the mailbox, and the list goes on and on. It exhausts me thinking about it. Lol. According to my own personal survey amongst friends, this appears to be common for many of us, especially if you are a parent, an artist, and a busy body like myself.. We tend to juggle multiple creative outlets. In my case, it's almost always me trying to find ways to make more money by busily editing photos, marketing myself, researching how to finally fix the chicken coop door (something I actually oftentimes lose sleep over), raking the leaves in the backyard, and studying for an exam I have this summer. But, God clearly told me I needed to rest. Did I listen? Nope. Were there repercussions? You bet.

After just a few days of being home, I posted on my personal Instagram and Facebook account that I was going on a new adventure. I shared with friends and family that I had become a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA and although that would have been enough, I didn't stop there. Oh no, I went all out by creating a new IG account where I planned to share tips and tricks for healthy, natural, curly ginger hair, my favorite skincare, makeup products, thrift store finds, recipes, health & wellness, and doTERRA essential oils. Wow! I know. Sounds amazing, right? Except, within a week of putting myself out there, posting, liking, and networking, I began to make connections (outside of my own personal network). All in the midst of me napping due to exhaustion from COVID. Then, one morning I woke up feeling burdened. I began to pray, leaning in hard, and immediately God gave me a vision of what could potentially be ahead. I could become successful, and quickly. I needed to ask myself, was what I was choosing to do going to fulfill me? And, was it feasible with everything else I have on my plate? Was it God's plan?

I continued to grow anxious and became overwhelmed. So, I began to pray. The Lord reminded me of how precious time is. Of all people, I should have this down by now. I mean, I've lost three brothers, dear friends, and for goodness sakes, I am dating the man of my dreams. Geez, girl!

I would oftentimes close my eyes and whisper John Elredge's words in my head, "Cultivate it. Prepare and use the presence of God to flourish in faith. Then, use the oil to live an intentional life. A life led in Christ."

So, how will we be intentional in everyday living?

So, here I am four weeks later since having COVID. And, I’ve realized something ironic, mind blowing, and so incredibly awesome… Every morning I rub myself down from head to toe with OnGuard essential oil, I diffuse it, I drink it in my water, I rub it into the soles of my feet and on my chest. I am literally absorbing oil on a daily basis. Reoiling! Get it? Thank you, Jesus!

Thank the Lord I'm able to breathe better and the headaches have subsided. Thank you Jesus for giving me the wisdom, the passion, and the fire to put myself out there. God has been very sweet and very clear about His vision. I'm just leaning in, fully present, and trusting Him with all His glory. Thank you, Jesus.

In another John Eldredge podcast, “Tapping Into the Presence of God, Part 1” Eldredge shares that by simply having our phones in our backpacks our grades drop by one grade because our attention is turned to the fact that your phone is near. Geeze! Imagine the effect or impact it would make on us if we instead turned off our phones and replaced the distraction of our phones with spending time with the Lord. Through prayer, being more present, and tuning into the Lord. Love! ❤️

Here’s a prayer to try.

Prayer ~

My dear Lord Jesus, I come to you now to be restored in you, renewed in you, to receive your life and your love and all the grace and mercy I so desperately need this day. I honor you as my Lord, and I surrender every aspect and dimension of my life to you. I give you my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I cover myself with your blood—my spirit, soul, and body, my heart, mind, and will. I ask your Holy Spirit to restore me in you, renew me in you, and lead this time of prayer.

Thank you, Jesus.


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