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  • Writer's pictureKelley Sue

Grounded In Meditation

Updated: Aug 1, 2021

I challenged myself this summer to rise with the sun and start the day with morning meditation. Mission accomplished and habit reformed! Some mornings I start my practice with a devotion from Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling, Enjoying Peace in His Presence” or from “Daily Wisdom for Women by Barbour Books. Sometimes it's just me, my breath and God. And, other mornings I listen to my meditation playlist on Spotify. Occasionally, I have meditated with sister yogi Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts and the beautifully talented Jennifer Garner which you all can find on YouTube. By beginning the day in meditation we become more in tune with the Lord, able to reset our mind, breath and heart, ground ourselves, and start each day with gratitude through our breath, in our being and sending it out and into the world. This connects us! Never mind the laundry in the background. This is real life y’all! #grateful#meditation#yoga#devotional#prayer#mindfulness#deepbreaths#heartcentered#grounded

Morning Meditation

When I shared this on social media I received several messages asking if I would walk friends through a morning meditation. This brings me so much joy. Of course I will! There are many of you asking for this, so I'm praying about how to go about it. For now, I’d like to share a morning meditation I do myself quite often and in my classes. It's all imrov ya'll.

There's really no right or wrong way to meditate. If you are anxious and feel uncomfortable closing your eyes, then keep them open. Make sure you’re in a quiet space with little to no interruptions. If you have trouble sitting on the floor, sit in a chair or on a bolster instead. If you have back pain and struggle sitting up tall, sit up against a wall. Make this your meditation. I'm only planting the seeds.

I sometimes start off with reading scripture, a favorite quote, a poem, devotional or even a simple word like, grace. Or maybe what is above, He Is Enough, inspired by Proverbs 31 Ministries. This morning I am going to go with whatever comes to mind.

Here we go...

Get connected with the earth by sitting comfortably on a cushion or chair. If seated in a chair, uncross your legs and place feet flat on the floor.

Take a deep inhale and get long in the spine while you roll your shoulders up toward your ears and around while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Gently release your breathe while you relax your shoulders, but keeping your posture tall. As you inhale, notice parts of your body that may need some extra TLC. For me, I'm noticing tension in my neck and shoulders. As you exhale, notice where in your body you feel soft and rested. Continue with your breath slow and steady. Place your palms down on your knees if you feel this morning you might need some extra grounding. Place your palms up on your knees if you are willing and able to receive whatever might come your way. Continue with the breath breathing deeply into the areas that need it most. You are creating more space through your super power, which is your breath. Continue breathing...

Bring awareness back to your body. Give your toes a wiggle. Remember your breath. As you inhale breathe in from the earth to your toes, through your legs, in your knees, in your hips, through your belly, through your torso, your lungs, your heart, your throat, and out through your mouth. Take another deep breath while noticing your mind filling up with your breath. Exhale.

This time, breathe in so deeply that your lungs fill up with an immense amount of goodness, joy, love, self-love, and peace. As you exhale send all those things out and into the earth.

Take anther deep breath, this time focusing on the word, GOODNESS. As you exhale send goodness out and into the earth. Again, breathe deeply and think the word, JOY. Hold it there for 3, 2, 1. Exhale, and send joy out and into the world. Continue with your breath and inhale, LOVE. Hold for 3, 2, and 1. Exhale sending love into the universe. Breathe in SELF-LOVE and hold it there by placing both hands over your heart. Hold for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Exhale. Breathe in PEACE and again, hold for 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. And, exhale peace sending peace out and into the community.

Sit for a moment, allowing your breath to slowly return to its natural pace. Take personal inventory of your body, your mind, and your heart. Notice how you are feeling. Begin to wiggle your toes, your fingers, roll your head from side to side and when you are ready, slowly open your eyes.

Peace, love, and Light

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